Nosztalgia hírek - 060802
... kódolt.

- Kódolták a CFI Peco Pro műsorát az Eutelsat W6-on

- Indult a kódolatlan Pratech TV a DigiTV csomagjában

- Az Atlantic Bird 1-en indult a Made In Albania mely három hónapon keresztül volt látható ott illetve majdnem egy évig az Eutelsat W2-n hol kódolatlanul hol pedig Irdeto 2-ben kódolva. A csatorna NTSC-ben sugárzott...
24 óra hírei
...24 óra hírei

Csütörtök 15:17A friss HIV-fertőzéseket is képes kimutatni egy új vizsgálat
A jelenleg általánosan használt HIV-gyorstesztek megbízhatóak ugyan, de nem mutatják ki a frissen szerzett vírusfertőzéseket. A HIV-vírus genetikai anyagát vizsgáló, érzékenyebb új teszt azonban erre is képes - számoltak be eredményeikről a San Die...
Ez történt - November 1. -én
... Biscay.

1940: Turkey declares itself neutral in Greco-Italian war.

1940: RAF and Fleet Air Arm aircraft attack targets in Naples and Brindisi on the Italian mainland and Albanian ports.

6,000 Jews of Saloniki were deported along with 85% of the Jewish Greek population totaling 65,000 Jews.
Ez történt - November 8.-án
... and Captain S. Payne Best, are captured in Holland by the Germans.

1940: RAF bomb Munich shortly after Hitler appears there.

1940: Italians begin big offensive in Albania.

1941: Army Group North advances across the Volkhov river and captures Tikhivin. Hitler claims Russian losses are 8 - 10 million, which is perhaps double the truth.

Ez történt - November 17.-én
November 17.

1278. november 17. Angliában pénzhamisítás miatt letartóztatnak 680 zsidót, és 293-at felakasztanak közülük.

1793. november 17. A francia Nemzeti Konvent Anacharsis Cloots, az ,,emberi nem szószólójának" javaslatára szobor emelését rendeli el ,,Jean Meslier-nek, a champagne-i Étrépigny lelkészének, az első papnak, akiben megvolt a ...
Ez történt - November 19.-én
... war bacteria.

1940: The Luftwaffe launches a major raid against Birmingham, inflicting heavy damage in places.

1940: Greek successes continue in northern Greece and Albania. The Italians are driven back across the Kalamas River.

1941: The Times newspaper's report on Occupied Europe estimates that 82,000 Poles have been shot or hanged since Poland's...
Ez történt - December 13.-án
... masse.

1940: Hitler issues Directive No. 20, the order for the preparation of Operation 'Marita', the plan for sending German forces to revive the bogged-down Italian offensive in Albania.

1940: Twenty four German divisions begin their redeployment to Romania, through Hungary as part of Directive No. 20, Hitler's order for the preparation of Operation 'Marita...
Ez történt - December 28.-án
... Hans Küng svájci teológus az Il Paese Sera c. lapban.

1940: Mussolini asks Hitler for support, to help the bogged down Italian forces with their offensive against the Greeks in Albania.

1940: As food becomes scarce in Italy, the Italian government announces that in extreme cases people caught hoarding food might be executed.

1940 London. ht...
Ez történt - Január 4.-én
... settlement were forced to flee to Sidon, where they boarded a ship to Haifa.

1940: The 16th Australian Brigade marches through the streets of Sydney.

1941: On the Greek-Albanian front, the Greeks launch an attack towards Valona from Berat to Klisura against the Italians.

1942: The Red Army captures Kaluga to the southwest of Moscow.

Ez történt - Január 19.-én
... of Poland... they must change their mode of life."

1941: Hitler and Mussolini meet at Berchtesgaden, with Mussolini accepting German military help in North Africa, but not Albania.

1941: British launch counteroffensive in East Africa, attacking Eritrea and Ethiopia from Sudan.

1942: Two Axis transports, the Mongevino and Ankara land 45 German t...
Ez történt - Február 3.-án
... just 116 German and Axis divisions. The starting date is again confirmed as the 15th May 1941.

1941: 33 Italian Fascist Party leaders are dispatched to bolster morale on the Albanian front.

1941: The British 'Northern Force' bumps into the Italian defences at Keren, but fail to crack them open. General Platt decides he must build up his forces for a major a...
Ez történt - Március 9. -én
... Italian-Anglo agreement on coal, Britain to release Italian collier ships, Italy to import no more German coal.

1941: The Italians launch another offensive against the Greek 1st Army in Albania, but it makes very little progress.

1942: The RAF returns to bomb Essen once more, but again are unable to inflict much damage due to the constant industrial haze ove...
Ez történt - Szeptember 9.-én
... pressure from the allies who occupy the country, declares war on Germany.

1943: All Italian forces within the German-controlled areas of Italy, southern France, Yugoslavia, Albania and Greece are disarmed without opposition and made prisoners of war. Operation 'Avalanche' sees the U.S. Fifth Army land at Salerno, South East of Naples. Taranto is occupied by the British...
Ez történt - November 1. -én
... Biscay.

1940: Turkey declares itself neutral in Greco-Italian war.

1940: RAF and Fleet Air Arm aircraft attack targets in Naples and Brindisi on the Italian mainland and Albanian ports.

6,000 Jews of Saloniki were deported along with 85% of the Jewish Greek population totaling 65,000 Jews.
Ez történt - November 8.-án
... and Captain S. Payne Best, are captured in Holland by the Germans.

1940: RAF bomb Munich shortly after Hitler appears there.

1940: Italians begin big offensive in Albania.

1941: Army Group North advances across the Volkhov river and captures Tikhivin. Hitler claims Russian losses are 8 - 10 million, which is perhaps double the truth.

Ez történt - November 17.-én
November 17.

1278. november 17. Angliában pénzhamisítás miatt letartóztatnak 680 zsidót, és 293-at felakasztanak közülük.

1793. november 17. A francia Nemzeti Konvent Anacharsis Cloots, az ,,emberi nem szószólójának" javaslatára szobor emelését rendeli el ,,Jean Meslier-nek, a champagne-i Étrépigny lelkészének, az első papnak, akiben megvolt a ...
Ez történt - November 19.-én
... war bacteria.

1940: The Luftwaffe launches a major raid against Birmingham, inflicting heavy damage in places.

1940: Greek successes continue in northern Greece and Albania. The Italians are driven back across the Kalamas River.

1941: The Times newspaper's report on Occupied Europe estimates that 82,000 Poles have been shot or hanged since Poland's...
Ez történt - December 13.-án

1940: Twenty four German divisions begin their re...
Ez történt - December 28.-án
... Hans Küng svájci teológus az Il Paese Sera c. lapban.

1940: Mussolini asks Hitler for support, to help the bogged down Italian forces with their offensive against the Greeks in Albania.

1940: As food becomes scarce in Italy, the Italian government announces that in extreme cases people caught hoarding food might be executed.

1940 London. ht...
Ez történt - Január 4.-én
... settlement were forced to flee to Sidon, where they boarded a ship to Haifa.

1940: The 16th Australian Brigade marches through the streets of Sydney.

1941: On the Greek-Albanian front, the Greeks launch an attack towards Valona from Berat to Klisura against the Italians.

1942: The Red Army captures Kaluga to the southwest of Moscow.

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Címkék: Peco Pro, Eutelsat W6-on, Pratech TV, Atlantic Bird, Made In Albania, Eutelsat W2-n, Fleet Air Arm, GERMANY INVADED THE BALKANS, Jewish Greek, Captain, Payne Best, Army Group North, Nemzeti Konvent Anacharsis Cloots, Jean Meslier-nek, Kalamas River, Occupied Europe, Directive No, Hans Küng, Paese Sera, Australian Brigade, North Africa, East Africa, Italian Fascist Party, Northern Force, General Platt, Fifth Army, South East, kódolatlan Pratech, csatorna NTSC-ben, jelenleg általánosan, frissen szerzett, francia Nemzeti, champagne-i Étrépigny, első papnak, major raid, counteroffensive, eredményeikről, letartóztatnak, berchtesgaden, szószólójának, pénzhamisítás, felakasztanak, kódolatlanul, megbízhatóak, fertőzéseket, redeployment, gyorstesztek, részletesen, preparation, lelkészének, javaslatára, érzékenyebb, csomagjában, általánosan, nosztalgia, transports, birmingham, szeptember, inflicting, industrial, kódolatlan, dispatched, population, government, yugoslavia, opposition, anacharsis, australian, settlement, controlled,
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